Subject: | Manual connection - Gamespy Master Server is down! |
Details: |
In case the master server is down you can't browse through the server list.
To connect a server anyway you may start your game, press TAB and enter
open <ip>:<port>
But how do you know the server's ip address and port?
Follow this link to browse one of my servers: Manual Connection.
If you host a server and would like to get listed at that page too, please contact me!
Subject: | Use other Master Servers - Gamespy Master Server is down! |
Details: |
In case the master server is down you can't browse through the server list.
To learn how to configure your game to use other Master Servers as well,
visit my Other Master Server page! |
Subject: | Server Port |
Details: |
I run my server at different network ports.
Your server list menu (built-in, gamespy or qtracker) gets the currently used port from the master server
and automatically connects correctly.
In case you have a firewall or a router you may need to change its configuration to connect my server
(take a look into your firewall's log to see what ports are used).
In case you can't see some servers which your friends are able to see
almost for sure it's your firewall/router configuration.
Subject: | Compatible Versions |
Details: |
Unreal 1 is available in some different versions with its advantages and disadvantages each.
My server runs at version 225f. Any map the server is running is compatible to version 225f too.
Your client needs to be version 224v, 225f, 226b (unreal gold), 226f or any of 227 to join
(these are almost all available versions you may have).
The client's version is displayed in the upper right screen corner when you hit the ESC key.
Subject: | Password Spy Alarm |
Details: |
Some seconds after you joined my server you may get a message concerning
your password with the demand to never use it again.
If you're unsure about this please ask me or any other advanced admin you trust.
Anyway, when you run your own server change its admin password frequently.
Subject: | Disconnecting during Game |
Details: |
I use a dial-up dsl connection.
At least every 24 hours my provider closes the internet connection (suck).
Although the computer is reconnecting almost immediately it gets a new ip address.
When you get disconnected during a game play you may have to refresh your unreal
server list to refind my server
(with its new ip address; this may take up to 1 minute).
The game itself doesn't stop nor restart.
You'll have the same effect as if you reconnect intentionally.
Subject: | Package 'abc' is not downloadable |
Details: |
Due to my slow upload speed I disabled the upload of large packages
(files you may need to join my server).
When you get this message please download the required package from my download page.
Usually the server name tells about the download URL of the currently running map.
If you enter it manually into your browser please consider that URLs are case sensitive:
Use capital letters exactly in the same positions as given in the server name (if any).
Currently I'm testing a new upload bandwidth limitation mod, so I allowed downloads of all packages.
If you notice some weird behaviour please tell me.
The fastest download still is to download from my download page.